2016 Talks-Tours-History

The Gardens of Wimpole Hall

The Royston Fringe

Philip Whaites is the head gardener at Wimpole Hall, who with a dedicated staff and a team of volunteers, is currently in charge of the complete re-construction of the gardens. Tonight he will give an illustrated talk on his work concerning drainage issues, the re-planting of hundreds of trees and re-instating the Parterre, Dutch Garden and the Walled Gardens. Includes light refreshments. www.royston-methodist.org.uk

Where: Royston Methodist Church (SG8 7AU)
When: Friday 23 September, 7.30pm – 9pm
Tickets: £5 from Sue on 01763 243815 or walter962@btinternet.com.

Royston Cave

Royston and District Local History Society

Royston Cave is beehive shaped and cut into the chalk that underlies the town. Much of its surface is adorned with medieval style carvings depicting saints and other religious scenes. The Cave lay concealed until 1742 when it was rediscovered by accident and since then people have been trying to solve the mystery of the Cave’s origin and purpose. www.roystoncave.co.uk

Where: Royston Cave (SG8 7BZ)
When: Saturday 24 September, Sunday 25 September
Tours at 2.30pm; 3.10pm; 3.50pm and 4.30pm
Tickets: £5, £4 Seniors, £1 Children 5-15 at door on day only. Under 5s free.

Royston Town Trail

F John Smith

Royston’s history is brought to life in this one and a half mile 90-minute walk around the town centre with local historian F. John Smith. All proceeds donated to Parish Church cHALLenge Fund.

Where: starts at St. John’s Parish Church (SG8 9LG)
When: Sunday 25 September, 2pm
Tickets: £5. From the Stationery Cupboard

Afternoon Tea with Pam Rhodes

The Royston Fringe

Come and meet Pam Rhodes, the familiar face of BBC television’s Songs of Praise, speaking about the inspiration behind some of our best known hymns, as well as her life and TV work. Tea and cake will be served. CDs and books by Pam will be available for purchase. www.royston-methodist.org.uk

Where: Royston Methodist Church (SG8 7AU)
When: Sunday 25 September, 3pm – 4.45pm
Tickets: £5 from Sue on 01763 243815 or walter962@btinternet.com

20th to 28th September 2025