Are you thinking of volunteering? Thank you!

Each year we look for people to act as festival assistants.  Festival assistants are key to the success of the Arts Festival which is completely run by and staffed with volunteers.  This year, we expect to have events in the last two weeks of September and the first week of October. 

There are many ways you can help out (even if you can only spare an hour or two).

Before the Festival you could help with

  • putting up banners or posters
  • working on marketing and promotions
  • staffing our stall at events like Royston Market

During the Festival you could help with

  • Ticketing and marshalling
  • Stewarding open air events
  • Setting up stalls, props and equipment
  • Workshops and craft activities

If you feel you can help this year, please fill out this simple form and we will be in touch! Link to form

If you have any questions you would like answered first, please email our Volunteer Co-ordinator

20 September to 5 October 2024