We are always very happy to receive sponsorship or donations from businesses or individuals. Either can be linked to dedications to individuals so please contact us to discuss your requirements though businesses will find much more information below.

Corporate support

Creative Royston provides an attractive return on investment for Corporate Supporters and it is gratifying that businesses who we work with come back year-on-year to sponsor us. We offer a Benefits Package tailored to meet the individual needs of a business.

…an event that Royston can be proud of – Royston Crow

What we can do for you

Association with Royston Arts Festival is an excellent way to raise your profile, gain publicity, contribute to the local community and reward your staff for their hard work. Sponsorship packages can be tailored to the specific interests of your company.

Companies can sponsor events within our programme from talks by well-known speakers and concerts (of various genres) to children’s exhibitions and professional performance artists. Our workshop and education work also offers great scope for rewarding sponsorship. A corporate partnership with Royston Arts Festival can provide a business with:

  • a marketing tool, promoting company services to festival audiences
  • help in building brand profile
  • ways to fulfil social responsibility objectives
  • a means to strengthen links with the community
  • networking and corporate hospitality opportunities
  • opportunities for staff to get involved with community projects

Some of our statistics

Audiences: We have annual visitor numbers of around 5,000 and whilst that inevitably went down during the Covid pandemic it had recovered to around 4,500 in 2022. We collaborate with many locally based community organisations including those involving the arts and crafts and the schools. We have representation on our festival committee from Royston Town Council and Creative Royston is represented on the Council’s Events Working Party and meetings of the Royston First Bid. We collect feedback from audiences and produce an Annual Report each year. The current one for 2022 is accessible via the home page of this website (image on left or further down for mobiles) and others can be found HERE.

Performances: We present around 50 events each year of drama, dance, music, art, children’s work, light entertainment and workshops including all the mini-concerts which form part of Royston MusicFest. The number of performances will tend to vary according to the strength of the festival committee (CRMC – Creative Royston Management Committee). In 2023 we have a full committee of 12 people.

Community and education: We have an engagement programme which funds artists and performers to go into schools to work with children. In previous years the schools have worked alongside the light artist Lorna Carmen McNeill, the Yarnsmith of Norwich, children’s writer James Mayhew and artist Jo Chapman. Every year we hand out up to £1000 to local community groups in order to seed-fund events that would not otherwise have taken place.

Marketing: We either print A5 programmes to be distributed with The Listing magazine to around 17,000 households in the local area, or  (during Covid) advertise in the centre pages of The Listing with a front cover featuring the original artwork created by artists Stacey Leigh-Ross and inspired by the drawings of local schoolchildren on the festival theme. We run our own informative website and make use of social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

What your support would mean to us

The financial support that your sponsorship gives Creative Royston will help us:

  • ensure our stability.  Royston Arts Festival started in 1982 and ran until 1997 when it had a 10-year break returning in 2007. Since then it has quickly become one of the major events in the town calendar.
  • continue to offer an excellent festival with a highly varied programme, many free events and ticket prices that are affordable.
  • continue engaging with schools.
  • improve the quality of life in Royston by promoting the arts for the benefit of residents and artists alike in line with the aims of our Constitution

Levels of sponsorship

We can tailor a package to suit you. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

We offer the opportunity to become either a Partner or Premier Partner with the benefits shown below and there are also opportunities to support individual events. We are also happy to receive donations of any size which we will acknowledge on the website or in the programme

Partner benefits  c£500 + / year

  • Recognition as a Partner of the RAF
  • Corporate logo on the back page of the printed programme or main programme advertisement, and mentions in the Annual Report, and on the festival website with link to own site.

Premier Partner benefits by negotiation which may include the following:

  • Recognition as a Premier Partner of the RAF
  • Marketing and branded, with appropriate coverage in relevant press
  • Corporate logo on the front page of the printed programme, on the festival website homepage and all other pages with link to own site.
  • Six free places at the festival concert
  • Logo included on festival banners
  • Announcement acknowledging sponsorship at the Festival Finale Concert.

20th to 28th September 2025